Coniston is my 7th trail race of the year with 4 more to go. Me and my dad both said this was the best one so far. It was me fastest of the year and the setting was amazing. We set off from Coniston Hall Campsite which is at the top of Coniston Water with breath-taking views of the Old Man, Dow Crag and surrounding fells.
Since my last race I have done a couple of runs and started to ride to work on my bike, with just minimal training I felt a lot comfortable during my race. My nutrition before the race consisted of beans on toast, full bag of Haribo and a few Jaffa bars. I don’t stick to a diet and I don’t stick to training plans as it causes stress and anxiety if you don’t stick to them.
Setting off at 2pm, I managed to do a time of 1hr 22min over 9.2miles with 1300ft of climbing averaging 9min miles which was my fastest of the year and the most enjoyable. Wearing my St Catherine’s Hospice t-shirt makes me proud of what I am doing and its only just begun.
In my next blogs I will be talking about my training methods, my nutrition and ways which to enjoy training. This will be my personal method, I am not a Personal Trainer its just the BookofPilx method. No stress, just train, race and enjoy the experience. The challenges next year will be the biggest I have done, mentally and physically.
“Give strength to that voice within saying ‘yes you can’ and find a way to make it happen”
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